Monday, November 28, 2011

Yes I can

Year 2011 has been a year of change for me. In addition to finishing my thesis and graduating, I went through a hard break-up and started at a job actually relevant to my degree. More recently, I found a studio apartment, in which I’ll be moving in a couple of weeks, and today I got a prescription for glasses. (Oh my, I truly am getting old!)

So there it is: change. It seems to be around us all the time. However, sometimes it comes pouring over you, leaving you baffled. It takes over your life and messes up your plans. But once in a while, usually when you least expect, it will throw you in the middle of something truly special, something that will make you happy. This has happened to me at least once before, so why couldn’t it happen again?

Most importantly, though, change is not only good for you every now and thenit is inevitable. It might be a cliché, but the only constant in this world is change. Therefore, we should stop trying to resist it and embrace it instead. I am on my way there.

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