Friday, March 16, 2012

Husband, two kids, and a dog

I know, it's been forever since I last wrote here. But I have a valid excuse: work. Not just any work, but something I really enjoy, even though it has been taking most of my time lately.

What I've been wanting to write about for a long time is this norm in the Western society: when you reach certain age, you're supposed to settle down, move in together in a house, get a pet maybe and then a kid or two.

I say, bullshit.

Yes, I understand that some people really want that. And that' ok. But I also feel the need to question if that is truly what most people want. For me, it's so hard to imagine that moving in the middle of nowhere with just one person and some kids-to-be would be all that life has to offer. It is something that society wants from us. It is what people do. But so many people also get divorced, and maybe the reason is buried in this expectation of getting it all from you family.

All I know is that I would never ever do that. I want to be me. I don't want to abandon my life and who I am just for a "family dream" that doesn't really exist. What I've learned in my past relationships is that I have to hold on to myself: whatever I love to do alone, I need to keep doing when I'm with someone. I need to be me. 

I know this might be a bit controversial and hard to hear for some people, but I know I'm right: just think back and remember all your individual dreams. Don't give up on them for someone else. Relationships should help you get what you want, not make it harder for you. Too often settling down means settling for.

Whenever I'm going to settle down, it's going to be with someone I can share my adventures with. I will never change who I am for someone else. And I know when I find someone who thinks like I do, we're going to have such a blast!