Tuesday, August 2, 2011

I just love buttons

In the past two months or so I've come to realize that I know myself pretty well. I know exactly who I am and what I want and I'm happy with myself. I haven't always been here. I have been lost, insecure, uncertain of everything. Somehow I made it here anyways. I think it was because I wasn't afraid to look into myself and learn. I am no longer afraid to feel and ask myself why I feel that way.

I don't like dating. I don't like the games and the uncertainty. I don't understand why people follow the "rules" of dating that only make forming real connections more complicated. I don't play by these rules, and if that makes someone uncomfortable, that person is not for me. I like to be more straightforward.

I also like buttons. Lately, I have been making button jewelry—mostly earrings.

My button collection.

My brand new earrings.
A bracelet/brooch.


  1. I love buttons too! Love your blog too!!!

  2. Thanks, it's nice to hear that. :) And sorry about the late response - I didn't see your comment until now.
