Thursday, August 25, 2011

Living in the moment

Today I realized I might be pretty good at living in the moment. I have never really thought about the whole thingI’ve just done what feels good and makes me happy. And I guess that is the whole secret to seizing the day.

Take my current job situation, for example. I officially graduated two months ago, but I was done with my thesis and other studies in early May. So I’ve basically had the whole summer to look for a job. But guess what: I didn’t.

You might think that the reason for that was the break-up, and it probably had something to do with it. However, what it all comes down to is that I did not feel like working, let alone getting a job. I had been working every summer since I was 16 and most of my college years as well. Moreover, I had enjoyedor loved—my studies, and suddenly it was all done. I didn’t know what I wanted to do. So I decided to concentrate on the things I liked: sewing, my friends, traveling, parties, and so on.

And it worked. A couple of weeks ago I started browsing through endless job search websites, updated my resume, and began the much-feared process of writing applications. I haven’t found a job yet, but I found something more important: my motivation.

So if you feel like someone (your mom, your boss, the society) is telling you to do “something important” right now but you’d rather sign up for a cooking class, don’t feel bad about moving the responsibilities for tomorrow and enjoying your life today.

I guess, then, the key to living is finding your priorities and following them. Or as John F. Kennedy Jr. put it, “Wear your good stuff now.”

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Things that inspire me

I find new ideas for clothes I want to make in many places. Wherever I go and whatever I do, I keep my eyes open. I enjoy beautiful things. I am very visual. Here is a small list of things that inspire me at the moment:

1.  Colors
Even though red is my all-time favorite, the colors that please my eye right now are navy blue, mustard, grey, and bronze brown.

2. New York City
The City That Never Sleeps, The Big Apple... It has many names, and for a good reason: it is one of the most interesting and versatile places in the world. It never stops surprising me!

My favorite piece of street art in Williamsburg, Brooklyn.

A cool building somewhere around the SoHo area.

3. Fabrics and patterns
I could spend hours at clothing and fabric stores just admiring beautiful colors, materials, and patterns. And of course, sometimes I take some of these pretty things home with me.

Recent purchases. 
(Yes, I like the combination of red and blue, 
especially if it involves a cute print!)

A dress that I couldn't afford to buy.

4. Movies (and celebrities)
I recently re-watched Chocolat and was inspired by many of the things the main character, Vianne, was wearing. My appreciation for beautiful clothing and style is by no means limited to what fictional characters or famous people wear, but ordinary people that I see on the street may inspire me as well.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Back to work

I know, I know, I haven't been writing much lately. I've had so many other things in my life. I finally started applying for jobs, and it wasn't as horrible as I remembered. I am actually a bit excited about some of the job opportunities out there. I'm confident that I will find something if I just keep looking!

I also took a trip to Copenhagen to meet up with a friend. I've never been there before, which is kinda surprising, since I don't live that far and I have a friend living there. But now I went, and it was great!

And finally, back to sewing. Getting things done and enjoying life a little has energized me, and I found some time to sew again. In Copenhagen, I found a nice scarf suitable for early fall, and instead of buying it, I decided to make one myself. So here is the inspiration:

And here is the one I made:

The fabric that I bought is not as colorful as I wanted it to be, but I fell in love with the pattern nevertheless. Look at those birdies!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

I just love buttons

In the past two months or so I've come to realize that I know myself pretty well. I know exactly who I am and what I want and I'm happy with myself. I haven't always been here. I have been lost, insecure, uncertain of everything. Somehow I made it here anyways. I think it was because I wasn't afraid to look into myself and learn. I am no longer afraid to feel and ask myself why I feel that way.

I don't like dating. I don't like the games and the uncertainty. I don't understand why people follow the "rules" of dating that only make forming real connections more complicated. I don't play by these rules, and if that makes someone uncomfortable, that person is not for me. I like to be more straightforward.

I also like buttons. Lately, I have been making button jewelry—mostly earrings.

My button collection.

My brand new earrings.
A bracelet/brooch.